2019 – Are You Ready?

It’s the third week in December, 2018 – have you taken stock of your year yet:- your accomplishments, setbacks, self improvements, reaching your goals?

You are where you are, and that’s okay! 

It is time to look forward. Turn over a new calendar page, set new goals, decide what changes to make in yourself and your business to reach those goals. It has been shown that people who take the time to set goals for themselves, and memorialize them in writing, accomplish those goals at a tremendously higher rate, than those people who make a goal without writing it down, and making a plan of action.

Planning for success in 2019

I am so excited, I have picked up the tools I prefer to use to stay on track in the upcoming year already (I usually don’t get myself geared up until mid-January), AND I’ve started listing my goals, and breaking them down into do-able pieces, WITH deadlines through the year.

  • Daytimer with 2 pages per week layout for all my daily scheduled activities;  all my appointments, calls, and meetings listed by hour of day. There is also enough space to mark down weekly goals, as well as an address book to keep track of my clients names, numbers and addresses.
  • Daily Journal Calendar, with a full page per day to jot down my to do list, in bullet point form, so I can see at a glance what I need to get accomplished that day, and tick off items as I finish them
  • Monthly Doodle Calendar to schedule my social media posts, and stay consistent! (my biggest stumbling block of 2018), as well as the coloring aspect of the calendar, to keep my creative juices flowing. 
  • Last, but not least, a few notebooks that are small enough to carry with me at all times, to brainstorm ideas for my network marketing business, my blog, or any new courses or lead magnets I have, whenever I feel inspired.

I have spent much of 2018 researching courses to buy, which social media platforms I prefer to work on, figuring out how to apply what I learned, and what actually seems to work, in terms of networking, gaining leads, and earning affiliate commissions as I learn to apply to my Network Marketing Business.

My favorite affiliate platforms, that teach proven systems to gain new customers and business builders as well as earn commissions for sharing those step by step systems are:

Gloria Macdonald’s Dominate Linkedin program, and My Lead System Pro, which offers training on a variety of different platforms. Both of these programs offer terrific step by step training’s, wonderful customer service to help you through their courses, and most importantly – ACCOUNTABILITY, through weekly calls, and AFFIRMATIONS, through emails and shoutouts on group calls.  If you want to stay on task throughout 2019 so you can meet your 3 , 6, and 12 month goals, the two most important factors after writing down your goals, and breaking them down into manageable daily, weekly, monthly tasks; are ACCOUNTABILITY and  AFFIRMATIONS.  Both of these systems/programs are well worth the cost, and pay for themselves in a matter of weeks!

For transparency sake: this post contains affiliate links, and I may earn a commission if you choose to purchase anything through the links.

Please follow me and comment below. I would love your feedback on what your goals for 2019 are. 🙂 

10 Hacks For Using LinkedIn to Grow Your Team – Free e-book download!

OK, here’s the deal…

I’m going to say something that flies in the face of everything you’ve probably been taught about recruiting and building.

This goes way AGAINST the grain of traditional network marketing approach.

Which is…

The more people you talk to, the more you’ll eventually recruit.

That’s sort of true, when you prospect every single person in sight.

But what IF there was a way to enroll a whole lot more people, with FEWER prospects?

By fishing in the “right” pond, you can.

What I’m talking about is leveraging the #1 social media network for business professionals… LinkedIn.

People who use it, are there for one reason only… to talk about BUSINESS.

So when you make a connection on LinkedIn, there’s no need to beat around the bush.

The right prospects are already there to connect with YOU.

In an all new training, my friend and mentor, Gloria MacDonald, reveals her 5-step process to find and connect with the RIGHT people… and rapidly enroll them.

==> Check it out. 

Chat soon,

Darlene Lorimer

P.S.  Gloria spent a whole bunch of time figuring this process out.  Making mistakes… fine tuning… honing… so you don’t have to!  You can get her SECRETS here.

Growing Your Network Marketing Business Using Linkedin

I’ll be honest, as a network marketer I really struggled to get new customers and team members. And after I burned through my warm market I was really lost and didn’t have a clue how to find new people to talk to.

Then I came across a webinar about how to use LinkedIn for prospecting and recruiting, and honestly, it changed everything for me.

And because I love the network marketing industry, and want to support network marketers in whatever way I can…

I wanted to share this with you.

Here’s a link to the webinar, Discover The Untapped Power of LinkedIn to Build Your Business and Grow Your Downline.

Click the link below, and let’s get started!!

How to Dominate Linkedin

I hope this helps you as much as it has me!

Let’s stay in touch.